Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Website Updates

Remember that dilemma regarding Nocturne Rose's compatibility with Internet Explorer users?

All fixed! :] I'm insanely proud of myself. I toyed around a bit with some CSS and div-alignment...voila - success! ♥

I feel like I just codified some "medicine" for my "child" (my website). Now we just have to "feed" the "medicine" to every single page under the index directory that is referenced through the iframe on the homepage. ;w;

I've got an arduous task ahead of me. ;__:

Wish me luck! There's much to do!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Company Website

.....actually went live a long time ago. ;w;

Back around June actually. It's a half finished disaster currently. Take a look yourself. Here it is! My child, in all its glory!

There are broken links everywhere, and the ftp I wanted to upload didn't work correctly. Broken code! ; . ; Looks like I still have a lot of learn about web development despite years of experience. It's all quite peachy though, it'll grow with my experience as a fashion designer, just as I planned. :3

For now, I'm going to post a checklist of things that I need to do for this beloved business:

  • Optimize NocturneRose for Internet Explorer (currently, it only functions correctly in Firefox and Google Chrome ;w;)
  • Get the "gallery" subsection fixed.
  • Take more photos of the Jade Garden skirt, while actually wearing a blouse like I'm supposed to. .__.
  • Upload some sketches for summer in the gallery!
  • Find a third-party photo browser (as of now, I'm literally editing a new html page for every individual photo ;A;!)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Wow. Major updates to come.

Haven't been writing up here for a while, with schoolwork and stress in the way. :]

Well, I'll have a lot of uploads coming up soon, now that the semester has ended. Big news. The website domain has been officially purchased! I can't believe this is really happening. My crazy fashion design dreams are beginning to materialize. <3

Jade Garden Skirt.
-Fitted waistband
-Pleated skirt
-Hand-gathered white trim
-Two side buttons
-Silver fastener snap for removable bow
-Comes with unique long-tailed matching bow for the waistband.
-"Arch"-curved waistband.
-Decadent oriental print.
-See more color choices, matching accessories, and pictures here.

-Price: $25

And here's the first design in the winter 2010 line, which has already been completed:
EGL suspender skirt.

-Fitted waistband
-Pleated jumperskirt
-Hand-gathered black ruffle trim
-Two large black buttons on the front of the waistband, for buttoning on the suspenders.
-Black zipper sewn into waistband & skirt
-See more matching accessories, and pictures here.

-Price: $25

More pictures/ design sketches to come soon! <3

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Before I Decay. Gazette.

Watch PV Here:
PV Download: (I ripped the PV off of Youtube before PSC swoops by to remove it. .___. It's in MP4, that way you can upload and watch it on your iPod like I do. :])
Single Download: (Track 1. Before I Decay, Track 2. Damashi) (Both tracks on the single)

It's finally October 7th. Before I Decay was released today.

I literally woke up early, so that I would have enough time to download it in the morning. I don’t know what to say except for, I am very, very, satisfied. Gazette doesn’t fail to disappoint. Here’s a quick review, and breakdown:

“Before I Decay”.

I don’t know how to describe this single except as a choppy, heavy, and melodic work in a wonderful way. The guitar literally flows in around 0:08 after being put through suspense throughout the beginning, and carries the song deliciously. It sounds also reminiscent of their old styles, especially the similarity to their 2004 single “Zetsu”.

Around 0:34, the guitar’s sounds start to become more complex sounding. Ruki begins to experiment with his voice. I was very happy, because his screams are starting to become more diversified. If you listen carefully, you can hear around 1:23, Kai has also begin to try out a new rhythm style.

1:46 to 2:10 are hands-down the heaviest seconds of the song. You can hear the guitars screeching out, and accompanying Ruki’s screams, as every slows down to a decrescendo to halt at

2:11, the song seems to die out slowly, as Aoi (or might have been Uruha) quietly speed picks out an “interlude”, while Ruki’s faint voice is heard in the background.

2:30, the melody unexpectedly changes. The song becomes more mellow until 3:00 where Ruki’s growls pick up, and transition back into the chorus. Aoi and Uruha’s guitars are struck with choppy, and almost frantic sounding chords for the last few seconds – as “Before I Decay” closes.

At first, I thought this was going to be a recycle after hearing the preview. My first impression was the Ruki re-used the chorus from “A Moth Under The Skin” for “Before I Decay”. I was completely wrong. This single established Gazette as heavier, and darker than ever. They have begun to experiment with their style, and the results are turning out beautifully. Ruki’s vocals are becoming more established, diverse, and raw. Uruha and Aoi seem to be testing out new sound styles with their choppy, and screeching chords on the guitar, Kai’s rhythms are starting to turn more complex than before. I did want to hear a bit more from Reita. He truly shined during “Leech” a few months ago, and I will be waiting for another song from Gaze that highlights the bassline. Other than that, I don't have many other complaints.

Overall, I was satisfied; and I hope to be hearing more songs of this style from our Gaze. :D

Next up, a review on their B-side (second song on "Before I Decay") "Damashi"! ♥

Monday, September 28, 2009

Here's some Ayabie. Cubic' [L/R] ock

"Jrock Recommendation of the Day"

I've been on a bit of an Oshare boom recently. :]

It sparked when I discovered Ayabie's PV for "Cubic' [L/R]ock"

I just found a new Oshare Kei band to fall in love with! Ayabie really stands out to me. Other oshare bands like An Cafe, and SuG all have really unique appearances like any visual kei band - BUT, nearly all of their songs have a bright, poppy, and major key signature sound. (Which I love dearly, it's near impossible not to appreciate songs like "Love Scream Party", & "Cherry Saku Yuuki" ;D)

What I really like is Ayabie's vocalist's style in this song - it has a minor key signature ring to it, and the PV's style was just a bit darker than the norm for oshare. It's the PERFECT bridge between oshare, and visual.

I am not going to lie, it's so refreshing seeing an oshare band with bits of darker visual elements in their appearance.

Plus there is this cute bit around 3:05 where the other members of the band are messing around with the Kenzo's drumset. =3 Not to mention, there are so many other cute scenes:

Aoi in a Keroro costume, and singing into a spoon
Takehito playing air guitar
Yumehito attempting to play a desktop keyboard. XD

Overall, the song, and the PV = very, very nice.

I was hooked as soon as Aoi's voice started off in a mysterious sounding crescendo.
1:50, the futuristic sounding song's background strings blend nicely with Aoi's singing which seems to resemble chanting somewhat.
The synthesizers from 2:37 to 3:37 are simply delicious.

My overall impression resembles something along the lines of a stylish, high-tech, & futuristic Tokyo. Ayabie, thank you. I enjoyed discovering your music.

Ayabie. Cubic' [L/R] ock

Good night, everybody. I've got school tomorrow, and I know that I will have this single on repeat on my iPod.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Me as a Jrocker? And 9 GOATS BLACKOUT.

Long story short, here is a quick rundown of the above.
1) Yes, that is me.
2) I designed, and sewed that dress.
3) I designed and sewed that headdress.
4) It's not gothic lolita. This is a visual kei themed shoot.
5) The band name is "Ukime". 憂き目
6) My "stage name" is "Riiyuki". リイユキ I am on guitar, and keyboards during recording.
7) I design all of the band's outfits.
8) Ukime is influenced by Gazette, Moi dix Mois, Nightmare, Wakeshima Kanon, Misaruka, Hizaki, Versailles, Dir en Grey, Plastic Tree, & Matenrou Opera.

Check out the full description on my deviantart. ;]

Okay, yes. This band doesn't exist yet. This was just a silly contest entry to toy around with - but I'm totally up for the idea of writing a single. I'm currently writing music, but it's nowhere near performance level.

I'll share my songs with you guys someday, wait for it - haha.


Onto other business. I fell in love the other day. I fell in love with 9 GOATS BLACKOUT.

This will be part of a little section that I shall call "Jrock Recommendation of the Day". :]

There is no other way to describe the beauty of 9 GOATS BLACKOUT's music except as devastatingly sexy, angura-kei, & melancholic rock.

Listen. Here is a personal recommendation for you: 690 minutes - this song completely stole my heart.
The beginning of the song basically starts out with Ryo whispering lyrics into the microphone, while an acoustic guitar plucks a few notes. It transitions beautifully into insanely catchy electric riffs, with a powerful bassline. It completely baffled me how good this song sounded, and how much of a headrush I was getting. Close to around 1:50, the powerful bassline and guitar comes to a stop, changes into acoustic - and Ryo's muttering. It roars back into the previous tempo, as the vocalist transitions into distorted growling.

The amp seems to die out around 2:47, as it slide back into a melancholic and acoustic melody. A distant and feminine voice wails out eerie lyrics in a haunting beauty. 3:35, I felt as if I was being torn out of my body, as the interlude rushes to an end, and the original chorus' guitar riff returns more powerful than ever. The song closes toward the end with Ryo's hollers once again blending with distortion finishes cleanly.

Beauty. Pure beauty. Do yourself a favor, and check them out. Here is 690 minutes. It is a true "must-listen" for an angura-kei, visual-kei, or jrock fan in general.

For now, good night all.

-Love, Claire.

Sunday Night, still. Update two.

Some interesting material to get this blog rolling.

I'll occasionally make posts like this for fun. :]

Gazette. "Before I Decay". 10/7/2009. Release Date.

There is no freaking way that I am the only one excited about this. Taking a look at the preview, I will admit that the beginning riff did sound a lot like their song "Zetsu"...and the Ruki's vocal style did sound like "A Moth Under The Skin" being recycled; but keep in mind. The uploaded preview was only around a minute. At least, the beginning of the chorus sounded like the part in Moth where Ruki sings:

"Fake ni etsuraku Alcohol ja tokenu ART
hyoumen dake ja Without a doubt
freedom of expression yoku dekiteru"

They've been doing well recently, so I hope that I will like this new single. But I feel like I am going to have to wait a while until I hear the next Nakigahara (most beautiful song I have heard from Gazette yet. And I mean "verge of tears"-type of beautiful. I thought Juunana Sai, and Ganges ni Akai Bara couldn't be beat, but I was wrong.)

Even if the chorus sounded deadly similar to "Moth", it sounded sooo nice. ;~; ♥

But...the fangirl in me has to admit...Gazette is looking hot. Very hot. ;A; Looks don't matter for me, as long as the music keeps me satisfied - but I'm not going to lie. Aoi. You freaking guitar god. Aoi ♥ this time around. I mean, yes - the it's all about this music, but it doesn't hurt to appreciate the band's looks, does it? I'm pretty sure Kai wanted the fans to notice when he decided to rock the cornrows, haha. Same goes for Ruki, shaving the small bit of the left side of his head. I'm not too fond of it, but I'll just leave Gaze to do what they do best. Being visual kei gods.

Anyways, I'll close off the night with one of my old favorites.

"Ganges ni Akai Bara".
