Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Company Website

.....actually went live a long time ago. ;w;

Back around June actually. It's a half finished disaster currently. Take a look yourself. Here it is! My child, in all its glory!

There are broken links everywhere, and the ftp I wanted to upload didn't work correctly. Broken code! ; . ; Looks like I still have a lot of learn about web development despite years of experience. It's all quite peachy though, it'll grow with my experience as a fashion designer, just as I planned. :3

For now, I'm going to post a checklist of things that I need to do for this beloved business:

  • Optimize NocturneRose for Internet Explorer (currently, it only functions correctly in Firefox and Google Chrome ;w;)
  • Get the "gallery" subsection fixed.
  • Take more photos of the Jade Garden skirt, while actually wearing a blouse like I'm supposed to. .__.
  • Upload some sketches for summer in the gallery!
  • Find a third-party photo browser (as of now, I'm literally editing a new html page for every individual photo ;A;!)

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