Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Before I Decay. Gazette.

Watch PV Here:
PV Download: (I ripped the PV off of Youtube before PSC swoops by to remove it. .___. It's in MP4, that way you can upload and watch it on your iPod like I do. :])
Single Download: (Track 1. Before I Decay, Track 2. Damashi) (Both tracks on the single)

It's finally October 7th. Before I Decay was released today.

I literally woke up early, so that I would have enough time to download it in the morning. I don’t know what to say except for, I am very, very, satisfied. Gazette doesn’t fail to disappoint. Here’s a quick review, and breakdown:

“Before I Decay”.

I don’t know how to describe this single except as a choppy, heavy, and melodic work in a wonderful way. The guitar literally flows in around 0:08 after being put through suspense throughout the beginning, and carries the song deliciously. It sounds also reminiscent of their old styles, especially the similarity to their 2004 single “Zetsu”.

Around 0:34, the guitar’s sounds start to become more complex sounding. Ruki begins to experiment with his voice. I was very happy, because his screams are starting to become more diversified. If you listen carefully, you can hear around 1:23, Kai has also begin to try out a new rhythm style.

1:46 to 2:10 are hands-down the heaviest seconds of the song. You can hear the guitars screeching out, and accompanying Ruki’s screams, as every slows down to a decrescendo to halt at

2:11, the song seems to die out slowly, as Aoi (or might have been Uruha) quietly speed picks out an “interlude”, while Ruki’s faint voice is heard in the background.

2:30, the melody unexpectedly changes. The song becomes more mellow until 3:00 where Ruki’s growls pick up, and transition back into the chorus. Aoi and Uruha’s guitars are struck with choppy, and almost frantic sounding chords for the last few seconds – as “Before I Decay” closes.

At first, I thought this was going to be a recycle after hearing the preview. My first impression was the Ruki re-used the chorus from “A Moth Under The Skin” for “Before I Decay”. I was completely wrong. This single established Gazette as heavier, and darker than ever. They have begun to experiment with their style, and the results are turning out beautifully. Ruki’s vocals are becoming more established, diverse, and raw. Uruha and Aoi seem to be testing out new sound styles with their choppy, and screeching chords on the guitar, Kai’s rhythms are starting to turn more complex than before. I did want to hear a bit more from Reita. He truly shined during “Leech” a few months ago, and I will be waiting for another song from Gaze that highlights the bassline. Other than that, I don't have many other complaints.

Overall, I was satisfied; and I hope to be hearing more songs of this style from our Gaze. :D

Next up, a review on their B-side (second song on "Before I Decay") "Damashi"! ♥

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