Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Website Updates

Remember that dilemma regarding Nocturne Rose's compatibility with Internet Explorer users?

All fixed! :] I'm insanely proud of myself. I toyed around a bit with some CSS and div-alignment...voila - success! ♥

I feel like I just codified some "medicine" for my "child" (my website). Now we just have to "feed" the "medicine" to every single page under the index directory that is referenced through the iframe on the homepage. ;w;

I've got an arduous task ahead of me. ;__:

Wish me luck! There's much to do!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Company Website

.....actually went live a long time ago. ;w;

Back around June actually. It's a half finished disaster currently. Take a look yourself. Here it is! My child, in all its glory!

There are broken links everywhere, and the ftp I wanted to upload didn't work correctly. Broken code! ; . ; Looks like I still have a lot of learn about web development despite years of experience. It's all quite peachy though, it'll grow with my experience as a fashion designer, just as I planned. :3

For now, I'm going to post a checklist of things that I need to do for this beloved business:

  • Optimize NocturneRose for Internet Explorer (currently, it only functions correctly in Firefox and Google Chrome ;w;)
  • Get the "gallery" subsection fixed.
  • Take more photos of the Jade Garden skirt, while actually wearing a blouse like I'm supposed to. .__.
  • Upload some sketches for summer in the gallery!
  • Find a third-party photo browser (as of now, I'm literally editing a new html page for every individual photo ;A;!)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Wow. Major updates to come.

Haven't been writing up here for a while, with schoolwork and stress in the way. :]

Well, I'll have a lot of uploads coming up soon, now that the semester has ended. Big news. The website domain has been officially purchased! I can't believe this is really happening. My crazy fashion design dreams are beginning to materialize. <3

Jade Garden Skirt.
-Fitted waistband
-Pleated skirt
-Hand-gathered white trim
-Two side buttons
-Silver fastener snap for removable bow
-Comes with unique long-tailed matching bow for the waistband.
-"Arch"-curved waistband.
-Decadent oriental print.
-See more color choices, matching accessories, and pictures here.

-Price: $25

And here's the first design in the winter 2010 line, which has already been completed:
EGL suspender skirt.

-Fitted waistband
-Pleated jumperskirt
-Hand-gathered black ruffle trim
-Two large black buttons on the front of the waistband, for buttoning on the suspenders.
-Black zipper sewn into waistband & skirt
-See more matching accessories, and pictures here.

-Price: $25

More pictures/ design sketches to come soon! <3